Daily Announcements
Mon 2/10
Juniors: Executive Council applications are now available in the main office. If you would like to run for Executive Council, get your application filled out and returned by February 14th.
Boys who are interested in playing volleyball: we have open court on Saturdays at 10:00 am.
Seniors: Grad Night tickets will go up from $40 to $55 on March 1st, so buy your tickets now!
Boys Tennis open courts are on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00.
Girls’ Lacrosse open field has started. Practices are every Monday, Wednesday & Thurday from 5:30-7:30 PM. Tryouts will be on Monday, February 24th.
Junior ETS members: we have an upcoming tour of the U of U. Pick up your applications ASAP in the counseling office. Questions? See Mr. Christiansen.
Orchestra Solo and Ensemble Competition 3-8:00
Tues 2/11
The Trig Star test will be today at 3:00.
Girls BBall First Round Playoffs
Boys Wrestling @ State
Wed 2/12
The last day to purchase yearbooks is February 28th. If you want one, don’t miss out.
Boys Bball First Round Playoffs
Boys Wrestling @ State
Thurs 2/13
Today is the LAST day to place your Senior ad in the yearbook. If you have questions, see Mr. Rose in room 110.
Saturday there is a boys’ basketball playoff game at 1:00, so pull up and support!
Fri 2/14
Valentine’s Day.
Girls Wrestling @ State
Girls BBall 2nd Round Playoffs
Sat 2/15
Boys Bball 2nd round playoffs 1:00 PM @ HHS.
Debate @ Lava Legislature