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Daily Announcements

Mon 2/17
No School- Presidents’ Day

Tues 2/18
No School- Teacher Prep Day

Wed 2/19
Sterling Scholars: Our last work night is Thursday. Portfolios are due in 17 days, so let’s get them finished!
Junior ETS Students: Our last college tour is coming up. If you’d like to attend, pick up an application from Wes in the Counseling office.
Grad Night tickets are $40 until March 1st. They will go up to $55 after that date, so buy yours today.
February 28th is the LAST DAY to buy a yearbook! If you want one, get on the box office and buy one.
Boys’ Soccer tryouts are Monday at 3:00. You must have everything completed on Activate, and your status must read “ready to tryout.”
Boys’ Volleyball tryouts are Monday at 3:30. You must have everything completed on Activate, and your status must read “ready to tryout.”
The Boys’ Basketball playoff game tomorrow at SUU will be a BLACKOUT. Everyone come out and support!
We are providing a spirit bus for the game tomorrow. You must buy a student game ticket for $6.25 and sign up to ride the bus. There are only 50 seats, so hurry down to the office. If you ride the bus to Cedar, you MUST return on the bus.

Thurs 2/20
There are still some seats left on the spirit bus. If you want to go to the game today, come to the main office and sign up.
Principal Daniel McKeehan’s birthday!!! Give him a high-five in the halls!
Boys’ Basketball playoff game @ SUU.
Sterling Scholar work night, 4:00-7:00 in the Library.
Next week is FFA week. There will be activities & dress-ups all week.
Monday: USA day
Tuesday: Camo day
Wednesday: Boots & Buckles
Thursday: Farmer’s Day Off (aka Pajama day)
Friday: Blue & Gold day

Fri 2/21
Congratulations to our HHS Boys’ Basketball team! They defeated Ridgeline yesterday in overtime at State basketball. They play again tonight at 7:30 at SUU. Come up and support! We are in the final four teams!
There will be a spirit bus going to the game tonight that will leave at 6:00. If you would like to ride, come to the main office and pay $6.25 for your game ticket. The ride is FREE!
Debate @ Region Tournament, CCHS

Sat 2/22
Preference Dance 8:00-10:00